Louisiana Economy Forecasting Model

As a service to the State of Louisiana, the LSU Department of Economics provides economic forecasts for the state and the nine metropolitan areas of the state for the current quarter and three quarters ahead. At the state level, forecasts are generated for four key economic variables: real Gross State Product (a measure of the real value of goods and services produced within Louisiana, analogous to national real GDP), total non-farm employment, the total unemployment rate, and the Louisiana house price index. At the metro level, due to data limitations, only total non-farm employment is forecast.

About the Forecasting Model

The forecasting model consists of a suite of statistical models. The statistical models used are the ones that yielded the best out-of-sample forecasts over a long period of time. The specification procedure replicates what a forecaster would do in real-time to generate out-of-sample forecasts, i.e., estimate a model using data up to the point of the forecast and then forecast out-of-sample.

The current forecasting model should be viewed as the first iteration in an ongoing process. Well-specified statistical models can predict accurately when the future is similar to the past. Of course, structural changes can make the future different from the past, and the quality of statistical model forecasts will deteriorate unless the model is adjusted to account for these changes. Consequently, it is necessary to revisit the specifications periodically as more data become available.

Additional Information

Two of the statistical models—a state-level model and a national model—are Bayesian Vector Autoregressive Models (BVARs) and the remaining models are single-equation autoregressive models.

Economists have used BVAR models to forecast state and national economic variables. Typically, these models have been found to forecast out-of-sample better than standard Vector Autoregressive (VAR) Models and to be very competitive with larger, more complex, more difficult to specify, and more costly to maintain structural models, often delivering more accurate forecasts. These models are described more completely in the More About the Model section.

The forecasts we present are purely statistical and don’t reflect any subjective adjustments, which are left to the discretion of the forecast user. We provide the best estimate of the variable in each of the four quarters of the forecast (the red line in graphs of the forecast) and a forecast cone (the grey area) that reflects the relative accuracy of past forecasts for that variable at each forecast horizon. The cone “fans” out because the farther ahead we forecast, the less accurate the forecast, a well-known characteristic of economic forecasts.  

Questions? Contact Us.

LSU Department of Economics
2300 Business Education Complex
501 South Quad Dr.
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
225-578-5211 | econ@lsu.edu

Current Louisiana Forecasts

 a graph depicting the louisiana employment rate for 2025


Forecast for Louisiana Non-Farm Employment (Thousands of Employees)

Quarter Lower Bound Forecast Upper Bound
2025:01 1941.74 1972.76 2003.78
2025:02 1936.31 1976.94 2017.58
2025:02 1933.93 1980.64 2027.36
2025:04 1931.65 1984.73 2037.82


Employment is forecast to rise steadily, but at a relatively slow rate, over the next four quarters, with employment forecast to be 0.79% greater in the 4th quarter of 2025 than in the 4th quarter of 2024.

How does Louisiana employment compare to that of the rest of the Southeastern Conference (SEC)?

The following narrative is from last quarter’s forecast write-up and will be updated through 2024 once the official data for 2024 are available.

It is instructive to compare employment in Louisiana to that in other states, for example, the states that are home to schools in the Southeastern Conferences (SEC). The first table below shows annual total non-farm employment in the U.S. and the states of the SEC for 2018 and 2023 and the change in employment from 2018 to 2023. The focus is on 2018 and 2023 since a similar comparison will be made for real GSP, and official real GSP data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) are available only beginning in 2018.

In 2018, Louisiana had the 8th largest employment in the SEC but slipped to 9th in 2023. Louisiana was the only state in the SEC with a decline in employment over the 2018-2023 period, which fell 1.85%. Note the similarity to resident population (second table below); Louisiana had the 9th largest population in both 2018 and 2023, but population fell 1.94% over this period.

Location 2018 2023 Change (#) Change (%)
United States 148896.60 156065.50 7168.92 4.81
Texas 12523.40 13912.41 1389.01 11.09
Florida 8790.21 9754.11 963.90 10.97
Georgia 4545.72 4909.24 363.53 8.00
Tennessee 3074.08 3309.12 235.03 7.65
Missouri 2892.96 2976.57 83.61 2.89
South Carolina 2154.66 2306.38 151.72 7.04
Alabama 2046.05 2164.26 118.21 5.78
Louisiana 1990.89 1954.08 -36.81 -1.85
Kentucky 1930.44 2017.14 86.70 4.49
Oklahoma 1689.59 1755.55 65.96 3.90
Arkansas 1267.42 1350.67 83.25 6.57
Mississippi 1153.83 1180.34 26.52 2.30


Location 2018 2023 Change (#) Change (%)
United States 328794.50 335208.42 6413.92 1.95
Texas 28624.56 30503.30 1878.74 6.56
Florida 21254.93 22610.73 1355.80 6.38
Georgia 10519.39 11029.23 509.84 4.85
Tennessee 6778.18 7126.49 348.31 5.14
Missouri 6125.99 6196.16 70.17 1.15
South Carolina 5091.70 5373.56 281.85 5.54
Alabama 4891.63 5108.47 216.84 4.43
Louisiana 4664.45 4573.75 -90.70 -1.94
Kentucky 4464.27 4526.15 61.88 1.39
Oklahoma 3943.49 4053.82 110.34 2.80
Arkansas 3012.16 3067.73 55.57 1.84
Mississippi 2982.88 2939.69 -43.19 -1.45


chart showing the unemployment rate for louisiana in 2025


Forecast for Louisiana Unemployment Rate (%)

Quarter Lower Bound Forecast Upper Bound
2025:01 3.26 4.14 5.02
2025:02 2.82 3.99 5.17
2025:03 2.55 3.87 5.20
2025:04 2.33 3.75 5.17


The Louisiana unemployment rate is forecast to rise in the first quarter of 2025 and then slowly fall to 3.8% in the 4th quarter of 2025. Thus, excepting the temporary pandemic-related spike in the unemployment rate, the unemployment rate is forecast to continue its general downward drift from 7.8% in the 4th quarter of 2010.

chart showing louisiana's real GSP for 2025


Forecast for Louisiana Real GSP (Millions of $)

Quarter Lower Bound Forecast Upper Bound
2025:01 254456.86 258857.34 263257.81
2025:02 252577.45 259575.13 266572.81
2025:03 251052.78 260295.26 269537.75
2025:04 249930.93 261088.84 272246.75


Real GSP is forecast to continue its rise from the pandemic low, but the growth rate from the 4th quarter of 2024 to the 4th quarter of 2025 is forecast to be only 1.10%. Real GSP rebounded strongly from the pandemic low but lately the pace of increase has slowed substantially.

How does Louisiana real GSP compare to that of the rest of the Southeastern Conference (SEC)?

The following narrative is from last quarter’s forecast write-up and will be updated through 2024 once the official data for 2024 are available.

The first table below shows annual real GDP or GSP in the U.S. and the states of the SEC for 2018 and 2023 and the change in real GDP/GSP from 2018 to 2023. Official data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) for real GSP are available only beginning in 2018.

As was the case for employment, real GSP in both Texas and Florida dwarfs that of the rest of the SEC, and these states had the largest percentage increases in real GSP in the SEC from 2018 to 2023. Georgia is third in the size of real GSP, and its real GSP is substantially larger than the states below it. In 2018, Louisiana was 6th in size of real GSP just ahead of South Carolina, but Louisiana and South Carolina swapped places in 2023 following strong growth in South Carolina and disappointingly very slow growth in Louisiana. Louisiana’s 1.38% growth rate over this period was far below the rates of growth in the rest of the SEC.

Louisiana fares better in terms of real per capita GSP, i.e. real GSP divided by the resident population. Louisiana was 4th in the SEC in 2018 just ahead of Missouri, but Missouri and Louisiana swapped ranks in 2023 and Florida jumped over both, rising from 7th to 4th. Louisiana experienced the second slowest growth in real GDP per capita of the SEC states over this period.

What about real GDP per worker, a measure of the average productivity of a non-farm worker? Louisiana was a strong 3rd in 2018 but was surpassed in 2023 by both Florida and Tennessee. Louisiana’s growth in real per worker GSP of 3.29% exceeded only Oklahoma’s dismal rate of growth of 2.08%.

In terms of the size of the economy (total real GSP), over the 2018-2023 period Louisiana slipped from the last position in the top half of the SEC to the top of the bottom half of the SEC. Louisiana’s relative standing in terms of real GSP per capita or real GSP per worker was and is higher than for real GSP, but, unfortunately, Louisiana slipped in its position for per capita or per worker real GSP from 2018 to 2023.

Location 2018 2023 Change (#) Change (%)
United States 20193895.25 22671096.50 2477201.25 12.27
Texas 1746543.25 2097090.40 350547.15 20.07
Florida 1050433.80 1292787.60 242353.80 23.07
Georgia 600934.70 678201.18 77266.48 12.86
Tennessee 362363.70 422087.70 59724.00 16.48
Missouri 314182.40 348487.42 34305.02 10.92
Louisiana 245220.27 248615.50 3395.23 1.38
South Carolina 231663.27 262298.50 30635.23 13.22
Alabama 220808.75 245354.65 24545.90 11.12
Kentucky 205940.10 224418.02 18477.92 8.97
Oklahoma 196030.52 207923.35 11892.83 6.07
Arkansas 126371.23 142860.55 16489.32 13.05
Mississippi 110174.77 119548.38 9373.60 8.51


Location 2018 2023 Change (#) Change (%)
United States 61417.98 67632.84 6214.85 10.12
Texas 61015.54 68749.62 7734.08 12.68
Georgia 57126.39 61491.27 4364.88 7.64
Tennessee 53460.32 59228.00 5767.68 10.79
Louisiana 52572.17 54357.05 1784.88 3.40
Missouri 51286.83 56242.52 4955.69 9.66
Oklahoma 49709.93 51290.67 1580.74 3.18
Florida 49420.72 57175.86 7755.13 15.69
Kentucky 46130.71 49582.50 3451.78 7.48
South Carolina 45498.20 48812.84 3314.64 7.29
Alabama 45140.14 48029.01 2888.87 6.40
Arkansas 41953.68 46568.78 4615.11 11.00
Mississippi 36935.72 40667.00 3731.28 10.10


*real GDP/GSP divided by resident population

Location 2018 2023 Change (#) Change (%)
United States 135623.63 145266.55 9642.92 7.11
Texas 139462.39 150735.25 11272.87 8.08
Georgia 132198.01 138147.85 5949.84 4.50
Louisiana 123171.08 127228.71 4057.63 3.29
Florida 119500.44 132537.75 13037.31 10.91
Tennessee 117876.99 127552.98 9675.99 8.21
Oklahoma 116022.43 118437.73 2415.30 2.08
Missouri 108602.46 117076.98 8474.51 7.80
Alabama 107919.53 113366.62 5447.09 5.05
South Carolina 107517.41 113727.19 6209.79 5.78
Kentucky 106680.30 111255.46 4575.16 4.29
Arkansas 99707.06 105769.74 6062.68 6.08
Mississippi 95486.56 101282.86 5796.30 6.07


*real GDP/GSP divided by employed workers

chart showing the louisiana house price index forecast for 2025


Forecast for Louisiana House Price Index

Quarter Lower Bound Forecast Upper Bound
2025:01 366.31 369.20 372.08
2025:02 364.57 370.03 375.47
2025:03 362.89 370.51 378.14
2025:04 361.60 371.82 382.04


As measured by the all-transactions price index, Louisiana house prices are forecast to rise slowly over the current and subsequent three quarters at a rate of 1.10%.  

chart showing the emploment forecast for Alexandria, Louisiana 2025


Forecast for Alexandria Metro Area Non-Farm Employment (Thousands of Employees)

Quarter Lower Bound Forecast Upper Bound
2025:01 61.61 62.38 63.14
2025:02 61.45 62.46 63.48
2025:03 61.34 62.54 63.75
2025:04 61.25 62.63 64.01


Employment in the Alexandria metro area is forecast to rise slightly over the current forecast horizon. The rate of growth in employment from the 4th quarter of 2024 to the 4th quarter of 2025 is forecast to be only 0.5%.

chart showing the employment forecast for Baton Rouge, Louisiana in 2025


Forecast for Baton Rouge Metro Area Non-Farm Employment (Thousands of Employees)

Quarter Lower Bound Forecast Upper Bound
2025:01 417.63 423.63 429.62
2025:02 417.43 425.25 433.07
2025:03 417.50 426.72 435.93
2025:04 417.26 428.18 439.11


Employment in the Baton Rouge metro area is forecast to continue its strong rebound from the pandemic-related plunge in employment. The rate of growth in employment from the 4th quarter of 2024 to the 4th quarter of 2025 is forecast to be 1.43%, the third strongest of any of the state’s metro areas.

chart showing the employment forecast for Hammond, Louisiana for 2025


Forecast for Hammond Metro Area Non-Farm Employment (Thousands of Employees)

Quarter Lower Bound Forecast Upper Bound
2025:01 49.61 50.30 50.99
2025:02 49.59 50.41 51.23
2025:03 49.65 50.50 51.36
2025:04 49.68 50.60 51.51


Employment for the Hammond metro area is forecast to rise slightly from the 4th quarter of 2024 to the 4th quarter of 2025, at a rate of growth of only 0.79%.

chart showing the employment forecast for Houma-Thibocaux, Louisiana for 2025


Forecast for Houma-Thibodaux Metro Area Non-Farm Employment (Thousands of Employees)

Quarter Lower Bound Forecast Upper Bound
2025:01 86.00 87.50 89.01
2025:02 85.86 87.99 90.11
2025:03 85.75 88.28 90.82
2025:04 85.60 88.61 91.61


Employment in the Houma-Thibodaux metro area is forecast to continue its rise from the pandemic low. The rate of growth from the 4th quarter of 2024 to the 4th quarter of 2025 is forecast to be 1.71%, essentially tied with the Lafayette metro area for the fastest forecast growth of the state’s metro areas.

chart showing the employment rate for Lafayatte, Louisiana in 2025


Forecast for Lafayette Metro Area Non-Farm Employment (Thousands of Employees)

Quarter Lower Bound Forecast Upper Bound
2025:01 203.95 207.16 210.37
2025:02 203.54 208.05 212.55
2025:03 203.47 208.94 214.41
2025:04 203.54 209.88 216.22


Employment for the Lafayette metro area is forecast to continue its rise from the pandemic low. The rate of growth of employment from the 4th quarter of 2024 to the 4th quarter of 2025 is forecast to be 1.72%, essentially tied with the Houma-Thibodaux metro area for the fastest forecast growth of the state’s metro areas.

chart showing the employment forecast for Lake Charles, Louisiana in 2025


Forecast for Lake Charles Metro Area Non-Farm Employment (Thousands of Employees)

Quarter Lower Bound Forecast Upper Bound
2025:01 94.55 96.79 99.04
2025:02 93.67 97.02 100.37
2025:03 92.92 97.16 101.39
2025:04 92.39 97.27 102.16


The rebound in employment in the Lake Charles metro area from the pandemic low is forecast to continue at a very slow pace. The forecast growth rate from the 4th quarter of 2024 to the 4th quarter of 2025 is a low 0.59%.

chart showing the employment forecast for Monroe, Louisiana in 2025


Forecast for Monroe Metro Area Non-Farm Employment (Thousands of Employees)

Quarter Lower Bound Forecast Upper Bound
2025:01 76.23 77.26 78.30
2025:02 76.04 77.32 78.60
2025:03 75.97 77.40 78.83
2025:04 75.92 77.57 79.21


Employment in the Monroe metro area is forecast to continue its slow rebound from the pandemic low. The forecast growth rate of employment from the 4th quarter of 2024 to the 4th quarter of 2025 is 0.73%.

chart showing the employment forecast in New Orleans, Louisiana in 2025


Forecast for New Orleans-Metairie Metro Area Non-Farm Employment (Thousands of Employees)

Quarter Lower Bound Forecast Upper Bound
2025:01 557.05 569.42 581.79
2025:02 555.47 571.63 587.78
2025:03 554.85 573.57 592.29
2025:04 554.26 575.73 597.19


Employment in the New Orleans-Metairie metro area is forecast to continue to rebound from the pandemic low. The forecast growth rate from the 4th quarter of 2024 to the 4th quarter of 2025 is 1.44%, the second strongest of any of the state’s metro areas.   

chart showing the employment forecast for Shreveport, Louisiana in 2025


Forecast for Shreveport-Bossier City Metro Area Non-Farm Employment (Thousands of Employees)

Quarter Lower Bound Forecast Upper Bound
2025:01 175.94 178.72 181.50
2025:02 175.61 179.15 182.69
2025:03 175.53 179.53 183.52
2025:04 175.39 179.90 184.41


Employment for the Shreveport-Bossier City metro area is forecast to rise by a small amount over the forecast horizon. The growth rate of employment from the 4th quarter of 2024 to the 4th quarter of 2025 is forecast to be 1.11%.




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