Patrick F. Taylor Hall Overview & Map


In 2007, LSU formally named the Center for Engineering and Business Administration (CEBA) building in honor of 1959 alumnus Patrick F. Taylor. Taylor, an LSU Petroleum Engineering graduate, is responsible for the creation of the Taylor Opportunity Program for Students, better known as TOPS. He believed that everyone deserves the opportunity to earn a college degree regardless of his or her economic means. His legacy continues today with the newly renovated and expanded Patrick F. Taylor Hall.


Previous fundraising efforts, dating back to 2004, coupled with the initial gift of $15 million from Mrs. Phyllis Taylor kickstarted the campaign to renovate the existing Patrick F. Taylor Hall and construct a new chemical engineering building. In just nine months, the “Breaking New Ground” campaign had raised half of its goal, which was then matched by the state. Between public and private funds, LSU was able to raise $114 million – one of the largest public-private partnerships in the state and the most successful fundraising effort by LSU to date.


Groundbreaking on the new Patrick F. Taylor Hall took place on November 17, 2014, with renovations starting on the north side of the building. After Phase One was completed in 2016, Phase Two renovations on the south side began and were completed in December 2017.

The building now includes a 110,000-square-foot Chemical Engineering Annex; state-of-the-art labs and gathering spaces like the driving simulation lab and Commons area; the BASF Sustainability Lab; the 250-seat RoyOMartin Auditorium; and the MMR Building Information Modeling (BIM) Lab, where students utilize virtual reality to analyze construction projects, make site assessments, etc.

Additionally, the DOW Student Leadership Incubator, located on the first floor, can house 15 engineering student organizations locally, allowing students to develop leadership skills, work in a team environment, and foster a spirit of service through volunteering. Also on the first floor, the nearly 3,000-square-foot Chevron Center for Engineering Education offers students access to 3D scanners, printers, and computers.

Patrick F. Taylor Hall by the Numbers

  • $114 million – Total Cost of Project
  • 410,000 – Total Square Feet of Patrick F. Taylor Hall
    • 300,000 – Total Square Feet of Renovated Section
    • 110,000 – Total Square Feet of Chemical Engineering Building Addition
  • 134,989 – Square Feet of Teaching and Laboratory Space
  • 41,202 – Square Feet of Student Collaboration Space
  • 1,576 – Classroom Seats
  • 272 – Faculty and Staff Offices
  • 250 – Seats in Largest Classroom, the RoyOMartin Auditorium
  • 3 – Years to Complete


$114 million

Total Cost of Project

- One of the largest public-private partnerships in the state and the most successful fundraising effort by LSU to date


Total Square Feet of Patrick F. Taylor Hall

- 300,000 total square feet of renovated section; 110,000 total square feet of Chemical Engineering building addition


Square Feet of Teaching and Laboratory Space

- 272 faculty and staff offices


Square Feet of Student Collaboration Space

-  1,576 classroom seats; 250 seats in largest classroom, the RoyOMartin Auditorium