The College of Humanities & Social Sciences Humanities Center (HSSHC) supports faculty,
students, and staff engaged in thought-leading humanistic inquiry. Located in HSS,
the intellectual heart of the campus, the HSSHC fosters vibrant, innovative conversations
across disciplines and empowers humane, creative thinking to address the world’s most
pressing challenges. Click here to learn more about who we are and what we do.
![Image of an open book with a pen on the page.](/hss/images/item24940.jpg)
The HSSHC supports HSS faculty in their research and creative activities through multiple
![PhD candidates standing at a graduation ceremony](/hss/images/item70648.jpg)
The HSSHC offers Graduate-Based Mini-Residencies for Visiting Scholars.
![Image of stately oak tree in the quad with sunshine.](/_resources/images/lsu8056_quad_light2.png)
The HSSHC holds events throughout the year to bring together scholars at all stages
from across HSS.
The HSSHC Drop-in Faculty Writing Space is now open!
To write with quiet, community, and light refreshments, visit Howe-Russell 313W, Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Join us!